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Luxman L-590AXII

Luxman er på banen med en afløser til deres fantastiske L-590AX – nu L-590AXII

…og Luxman har læst skriften på væggen - Ikke pille for meget ved noget der i forvejen er vellykket!

L-590AXII træder tydeligt i sin forgængers succesfulde fodspor, med et genkendeligt design og en absolut genkendelig lydprofil – magtfuld, autentisk og dybt engagerende.

Luxman har tilsat lidt mere af alt det gode og ladet L-590AXII være det den er – bare bedre!

Læs Ken Kesslers anmeldelse på Hi-Fi News og lad hans begejstring tale for sig selv:

”you will be seduced solely by its silky, powerful, rich and controlled sound.”

“I was taken aback by the undeniable authenticity and accuracy of the Luxman’s delivery”

“This thing slayed me with its sheer force”

Læs også Jon Myles fornemme anmeldelse på Hi-Fi World (Juni 2016)

“the Luxman just cuts right to the very heart of the music”

“Also noticeable was a refreshing absence of background noise. l've heard some standalone phonostages costing a good third of the Luxman's total price which don't sound as good”

“But that's the beauty of the L-590AX MKll. It seems to do everything very well without drawing too much attention to itself. Instead it just enables music to flow in a purely effortless way. Yes, it’s reminiscent of Japanese amplifiers from the 1970s in terms of both looks and features bur its sound is right up-to-date, being both vibrant and utterly involving. ln short, this is one piece of equipment that cannot fail to put a smile on your face.”

Læs mere om L-590AXII på vores produktsider her.

Luxman L-590AXII koster 65.000 kr.


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